Two years ago, a patient came
to my office who had struggled with his alcohol addiction. He was a sensitive,
timid, socially shy individual with low self-esteem. He recognized that alcohol
lowered his inhibitions and transformed him into a talkative, confident and
socially assertive individual. He said alcohol was his liquid courage.
However, the alcohol-induced
appealing transformation came with a hefty price tag which was a loss of
clarity and clouded judgment. In actuality, alcohol turned him into a bold but
reckless individual. He liked being cool, but hated to lose control. His
Alcohol Addiction cost him his job, marriage, credibility and driver’s license.
He was stuck between a rock and a hard place.
I told him that if he wants
to conquer his alcohol addiction, he must first stop looking for an easy way to
foster his courage. Of course, this is easier said than done. The right way to
boost his courage and self-esteem is to be the best he can be and make the most
out of the talents, tools and opportunities bestowed upon him by Our Maker
(Nature). Once he accepted this fact, he reached his turning point and was able
to perform to his satisfaction. Alcohol no longer served as a crutch.
Honest, honorable and
hardworking individuals will never resort to artificial means to boost their
self-esteem, courage and confidence.
By Balasa Prasad M.D.